Envelope Design


A building envelope design includes all the external components designed in order to separate indoor conditioned areas from outdoor unconditioned space. The envelope encloses any living space that is equipped with heat or air conditioning, while all of the unheated living spaces are not. 

Providing the thermal barrier between the internal and external environment is the basic function of the envelope, or "enclosure", of a building, but not 
the only one. It plays an important role in determining how the building is able to utilize natural lighting, ventilation, and heating and cooling resources.

M.Arch Architects provides the envelope of a building, or structure, serves a variety of basic functions, which include adding structural support, controlling moisture and humidity, regulating temperature, and controlling air pressure changes. By serving these different functions, the envelope also affects ventilation and energy use within the building.
In addition, the enclosure  will have several aesthetic attributes. The envelope is made up of all of the exterior components of the building, including walls, roofing, foundations, windows, and doors. Finish materials like siding and decorative items are not usually considered a part of the envelope. Insulation, building paper, and other components aimed at controlling moisture and airflow are typically included in the building envelope design.