Site Planning
M.Arch Architects approach to every project begins with the site. Because of our office location in New York the urban context involves a deep understanding of preservation and restoration of existing buildings. However we do not limit our work to only restoration but often engage in new building projects on unoccuppied land or land were existing structures need to be removed to produce a project. Therefore existing site conditions, and the sites context is the beginning of a project's methodology.
Climatic and environmental conditions such as sources of natural light, prevailing winds, the soil bearing capacity, and sources of heating and cooling are fundamental considerations for any design project. We produce a reoprt to include these items as well as the site topography, its hydrology, its orientation, the existing vegetation, geotechnical data complete with a geotechnical report, the possible presence of hazardous substances in the soil or in the existing building(s) sitting on the site, the inherent limitations that a legal survey would show, the vehicular accessibility, the presence of utilities and municipal services, the history of the site, the municipality's zoning bylaw requirements (height limitation, site coverage limitation, yards requirements, use limitations, parking requirements, landscaping requirements, amenities requirements)and all additional items that would influents the client.
the existing vegetation, geotechnical data complete with a geotechnical report, the possible presence of
hazardous substances in the soil or in the existing building(s) sitting on the site, the inherent limitations that a legal survey would show, the vehicular accessibility, the presence of utilities and municipal services, the history of the site, the municipality's zoning bylaw requirements (height limitation, site coverage limitation, yards requirements, use limitations, parking requirements, landscaping requirements, amenities requirements, etc.).
Our Site Design services include laser scanning, topographical surveys, 3D site modeling (digital and physical), site design, community design, landscape design, dry well / water retension design, assesment of utilities, land use, sustainablity design, water efficiency design, parking layouts, parking structure design, building pavement plans, curb cut design, sidewalk reconstruction, vault replacement, sidewalk cafe permitting, awnings, and street layout and design.
Waterside Resorts, Destin Florida